The Woodland Edge Garden

Here in the dappled shade of the Woodland Edge, wildflowers mingle with an understory of native shrubs. The plants here offer enormous value to local wildlife and create a sanctuary space for both human and animal visitors. Walk softly down the trail and let yourself be inspired by the blending of nature and urban life.

(1) Acer griseum - Paperbark Maple (tree)
(2) Acer psuedosieboldinum - Korean Maple (tree)
(3) Acer saccharum - Sugar Maple (tree)
(4) Betula nigra - River Birch (tree)
(5) Carpinus caroliniana - American Hornbeam (tree)
(6) Cercidiphyllum japonicum - Katsura Tree (tree)
(7) Cercis canadensis f. Alba - White Flowering Redbud (tree)
(8) Cercis canadensis - Eastern Redbud (tree)
(9) Cornus mas - Corneliancherry Dogwood (tree)
(10) Cornus mas ‘Yantarnii’ - Yellow Corneliancherry Dogwood (tree)
(11) Ilex opaca - American Holly (tree)
(12) Indigoferaamblyantha - Chinese Indigo (shrub)
(13) Juglans nigra - Black Walnut (tree)
(14) Juniperus virginiana - Eastern Redcedar (tree)
(15) Laburnum anagyroides - Golden Chain Tree (tree)
(16) Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip Tree (tree)
(17) Magnolia x 'Butterflies' - Butterfly Magnolia (tree)
(18) Magnolia x brooklynensis 'Judy Zuk' - Judy Zuk Magnolia (tree)
(19) Magnolia x soulangiana - Saucer Magnolia (tree)
(20) Lindera benzoin - Spicebush (shrub) 
(21) Quercus bicolor - Swamp White Oak (tree)
(22) Quercus coccinea - Scarlet Oak (tree)
(23) Quercus x leana - Lea’s Oak (tree)
(24) Quercus montana - Chestnut oak (tree)
(25) Quercus muehlenbergii - Chinquapin Oak (tree)
(26) Rhus copallinum - Winged Sumac (tree)
(27) Rhus typhina - Staghorn Sumac (tree)
(28) Taxodium distichum - Bald Cypress (tree)
(29) Tilia americana - American Basswood (tree)
(30) Ulmus parvifolia- Chinese Elm (tree)
(31) Chaenomeles speciosa - Flowering Quince (shrub)
(32) Corylus maxima 'Atropupurea' - Purple-Leafed Filbert (shrub)
(33) Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' - Royal Purple Smokebush (shrub)
(34) Exochorda racemosa - Pearlbush (shrub)
(35) Forsythia x intermedia - Border Forsythia (shrub)
(36) Hibiscus syriacus - Rose-of-Sharon (shrub)
(37) Hydrangea quercifolia - Oakleaf Hydrangea (shrub)
(38) Juniperus confera - Shore Juniper (shrub)
(39) Myrica pensylvanica - Bayberry (shrub)
(40) Physocarpus opulifolius - Common Ninebark (shrub)
(41) Rhus aromatica - Fragrant Sumac (shrub)
(42) Salix humilis - Prairie Willow (shrub)
(43) Sambucus canadensis - American Elderberry (shrub)
(44) Taxus x media - Hybrid Yew (shrub)
(45) Viburnum dentatum ‘Synnestvedt’ - Chicago Lustre Arrowwood Viburnum (shrub)
(46) Viburnum dilatatum - Linden Viburnum (shrub)
(47) Viburnum lentago - Nannyberry Viburnum (shrub)
(48) Viburnum nudum 'Bulk' - Brandywine Viburnum (shrub)
(49) Viburnum prunifolium - Blackhaw Viburnum (shrub)
(50) Viburnum rhytidophyllum - Leatherleaf Viburnum (shrub)
(51) Vitex Agnus-castus 'Blue Diddly' - Chaste Tree (shrub)
(52) Kolkwitzia amabilis - Beauty Bush (shrub)
(53) Tree TBD (tree)
(54) Apocynum cannabinum - Indian Hemp (perennial)
(55) Asclepias incarnata - Swamp Milkweed (perennial)
(56) Baptisia australis - False Blue Indigo (perennial)
(57) Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ - Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass (perennial)
(58) Cardamine douglassii - Purple Cress (perennial)
(59) Carex albicans - White tinged Sedge (perennial)
(60) Carex brevior - Short Beaked Sedge (perennial)
(61) Carex crinite - Fringed Sedge (perennial)
(62) Carex gravida - Heavy Sedge (perennial)
(63) Carex grayi - Grey’s Sedge (perennial)
(64) Carex muskingumensis - Palm Sedge (perennial)
(65) Carex normalis - Spreading Oval Sedge (perennial)
(66) Carex shortiana - Short’s Sedge (perennial)
(67) Carex sparganioides - Bur Reed Sedge (perennial)
(68) Carex sprengelii - Long-beaked Sedge (perennial)
(69) Carex tribuloides - Blunt Broom Sedge (perennial)
(70) Caryopteris x clandonensis - Bluebeard (perennial)
(71) Chasmanthium latifolium - River Oats (perennial)
(72) Chelone lyonii ‘Hot Lips’ - Pink Turtlehead (perennial)
(73) Diarrhena americana - Beakgrass (perennial)
(74) Epipactus helleborine - Broad-leaf Helleborine (perennial)
(75) Eranthis hyemalis - Winter Aconite (perennial)
(76) Erianthus alopecuroides - Silver Plume Grass (perennial)
(77) Eryngium yuccifolium - Rattlesnake Master (perennial)
(78) Festuca glaua ‘Elijah Blue’ - Elijah Blue Fescue (perennial)
(79) Helenium ‘Helbro’ - Mardi Gras Sneezeweed (perennial)
(80) Hibiscus moscheutos - Swamp Rose Hibiscus (perennial)
(81) Liatris spicata - Marsh Blazing Star (perennial)
(82) Lycoris squamigera - Surprise Lily (perennial)
(83) Lysimachia punctata - Yellow Loosestrife (perennial)
(84) Mimulus ringens - Alleghany Monkey Flower (perennial)
(85) Narcissus spp. - Daffodil (perennial)
(86) Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’ - Northwind Switchgrass (perennial)
(87) Phlox divaricate - Woodland Phlox (perennial)
(88) Physostegia virginiana - Obedient Plant (perennial)
(89) Phytolacca decandra - Pokeberry (perennial)
(90) Pycnanthemum muticum - Short-Toothed Mountain Mint (perennial)
(91) Ratibida pinnata - Grayhead Coneflower (perennial)
(92) Rudbeckia laciniata - Cutleaf Coneflower (perennial)
(93) Senna hebecarpa - Wild Senna (perennial)
(94) Schizachyrium scoparium - Little Bluestem (perennial)
(95) Silphium perfoliatum - Cup Plant (perennial)
(96) Solidago canadensis - Canada Goldenrod (perennial)
(97) Sorghastrum nutans - Indian Grass (perennial)
(98) Symphyotrichum laterifolorum - Calico Aster (perennial)
(99) Symphyotrichum novea-angilae ‘Purple Dome’ - Purple Dome Aster (perennial)
(100) Galanthus nivalis - Snowdrops (perennial)
(101) Hedra helix - English Ivy (vine)
(102) Parthenocissus quinquefolia - Virginia Creeper (vine)