Teacher Resources

Wearing gardening gloves, a student examines the plant he is holding while his instructor looks on.

We've developed this collection of free resources, lessons plans and gardening articles with teachers and school gardens in mind. From fundraising and planting guides to curricular connections and volunteer management, these resources cover a wide range of topics to help you and your students garden successfully. But you don't have to work as an educator to find them helpful!

Keep checking back for new additions that will further support your gardening success. Also be sure to check out our monthly calendar and newsletter.

A CGC Garden Curriculum

Whether you teach preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, or middle school, we have lesson ideas you can use to take your class out into the garden.

Spring Garden Lesson Suggestions


Life Cycles:

Native Ecosystems:

Fall Garden Lesson Suggestions


Soil & Compost:

Plant Adaptations:

School Gardening Resource Guides

A teacher sits on the edge of a raised garden bed teaching a handful of students about the plants growing there. In the background is a car and a brick school building.