Garden Suppliers
The Civic Garden Center advocates biological, organic, and sustainable gardening practices. The following list is a few recommendations of reputable garden suppliers for purchasing heirloom, organic and non-GMO seeds:
Buy Local
Many local nurseries, and hardware stores, sell seeds and many offer a line of heirloom and organic seeds. You may want to check out local options before mail ordering:
Soil, Compost, Cover Crop & Mulch Suppliers
Alvis, Inc.
P.O. Box 243
Miamitown, Ohio 45041
Bzak Landscaping
931 Round Bottom Rd
Milford, OH 45150
513-831-0907 / fax 513-831-3260
Local Green Industry People
Barefoot Design
Cincinnati Recycle
Denny McKeown’s Bloomin Garden Centre
Keystone Flora, Native Plant Nursery