K-12 Education
Welcome to the Civic Garden Center's Youth Education program! Our current offerings are primarily geared toward educators, but parents and others who want to help get kids out into nature will find resources here as well.
Want to get your kids outside more often year round? Our 52 Weeks in Nature with Kids guide will give you ideas! (Teachers, see our Teacher Resources page for 52 Weeks in the School Garden, a similar guide geared toward a classroom setting.)
Green Teens
Through the Green Teens Challenge, field studies, workforce development and more, Green Teens empowers high school students to explore the world of STEM careers and discover how they can make a meaningful impact on their world.
School Gardens
If you're interested in starting or using a school garden, we have lots of resources to help. These include:
CGC-led garden lessons
A map of the school gardens in our network
A wealth of other resources
We even have a program called Growing Our Teachers that helps educators take their school gardens to the next level and further integrate Farm to School education into their schools.
In addition, educators can request an on-site consultation with CGC staff, schedule a custom training at your school ($100 per hour, with a maximum of 15 teachers), or reach out by email or phone with questions: youtheducation@civicgardencenter.org or 513-221-0981.
We're here to support you!
Compost Kids Field Trips
Our Compost Kids field trips offer teachers and K-6 students an opportunity to practice scientific inquiry while exploring sustainable living.
Summer Sprouts
If you're a summer camp director interested in making gardening a part of your camp programming, our Summer Sprouts program might be a good fit.
Scout Programs
Scout leaders: Does your troop need to earn a nature-focused badge? The CGC can help!