Plants, Plants, Plants!

By Sue Sturgeon, CGC Board

There are common threads that run through the entire history of the Civic Garden Center. One of the strongest supports the knowledge, use and benefits of plants. Learning to plant, nurture and harvest Victory or community or school gardens is grounded (pun intended!) in plant knowledge. Constructing a healthy outdoor environment starts with plant knowledge: “right plants in the right places,” as is often quoted. Being able to enjoy and sustain the beauty of nature depends on that healthy environment of plants.

We delight in the discovery by our smallest guests when they bite into a fat orange carrot or bright juicy tomato straight from a garden they helped to plant. We encourage visitors to discover new plants that thrive in our community as they browse through the gardens outside our center, or wherever they are. We select and sell plants to fund much of our work through Plant Sales. And now we are launched into gathering seeds and propagating even more plants for those sales and to stock community gardens.  (More news to come on that frontier!)

As we approach fall, we have another “prime time” to plant for future beauty and bounty. Look for information on our Fall Native Plant Sale featuring natives who will be very happy to be planted in your garden!

So, it should be no surprise that PLANTS, always at the heart of CGC’s programs and projects, will continue to stitch together all our work.


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