Urban Ecology Artist Program
Summer 2023

Artist Julia Orquera Bianco, in collaboration with the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati, invite artists to apply to their Urban Ecology Artist program for the summer of 2023.

For four weeks, artists will engage in community service and learning through gardening, as well as have professional development sessions and individual meetings with artists Julia Orquera Bianco and Robin Klebau. During this time, artists will develop a site-specific installation that will be showcased at the Civic Garden Center August-September 2023. Artists will also have an opportunity to apply the knowledge built during the sessions with the Civic Garden Center. The goal is to learn, practice and inspire sustainable and respectful practices in art-making while making work that is conceptually solid.

Artists will be granted a $500 stipend. Artists are expected to create a site-specific art piece and deliver one community engagement activity in August 2023.

Sessions start on July 8th. Sessions will take place on a Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm. Attending all sessions is a requirement.

Applications are now open!

Submit a portfolio, a current CV and a statement of Intent using the form below. Applications close on June 1st, 2023, and artists will be notified on June 15th, 2023.

This program is possible thanks to the support of ArtsWave FY2023 Catalyzing Impact program.