The Reading Room
In 2021, our Hoffman Library turned a page. Like libraries across the country, we witnessed a steady decline in the use of the books on the library’s shelves. Our smartphones allows us to look up information we once would have found only in analog in libraries
So, reluctantly, we decided to donate and sell our collection of more than 2,000 gardening and horticulture books. Before we dispersed our collection into the community, though, the CGC staff curated an excellent selection of some of the Hoffman Library’s best gardening, ecology and horticultural reference books and instructional manuals, plus some historic books and books on some pretty esoteric topics!
What’s Next?
The library is being converted from space to house printed books to space where staff, students and our community partners can collaborate, learn and—yes—socialize! In 2022, we got new paint and carpet. In 2023, we installed new windows. We’re planning to add some cozy room furnishings and create a photo gallery of the CGC through the years—with plenty of shots of what we’re doing today to meet our mission, make a difference and have some fun with our community.
YOU can help us turn the Hoffman Library into some great community space! We’re looking for comfy furniture in particular. You can also check out our wishlist for things you might have that we could use in the space. If you want to know when the transformation is complete, be sure to sign up for our newsletter, The Civic Gardener!