Meet CGC Intern Jack!

Hello! My name is Jack Parlin. I am working with the Civic Garden Center this year as a part of my education at Cincinnati State, where I am studying sustainable landscape horticulture. I’ve been bumping around Hauck Gardens since February, and it has been a joy and a privilege watching the beautiful seasonal changes here for the first time. I'll be spending this summer working with Kymisha, the CGC’s Urban Agriculture Coordinator, and developing classes for our Urban Agriculture program. I am so excited to explore the world of edible and cultural gardening! 

Growing up I was directly influenced by family members to appreciate and care for nature, so my passion for environmental stewardship predates (and transcends) my current academic and occupational positions. Nature is the child’s first and finest classroom, and I hope I never stop learning. Many years ago, I turned my parent’s yard into a squash patch by accident. This year I switched things up by planting the squash on purpose.

I find the relationships within nature fascinating, and I especially believe in the importance of nature access for people. In my opinion, the CGC is the perfect organization to ensure that my work remains open and reaches the people who will benefit the most from it. My absolute favorite part of my job is when curious people come up to me to ask questions. If you ever see me out and about, please come distract me!

A big part of what makes CGC so special is the dedicated and passionate community of volunteers, growers, learners and teachers that enrich our culture, mission and impact. I am so honored to be a part of such a beautiful group of people in the pursuit of cultivating a better world. I’ll see you out there!


July Garden Jargon


Meet the Loveland Presbyterian Community Garden