The Benefits of Native Plants

By Sam Settlemyre, CGC Community Engagement Coordinator

Native plants are those that are indigenous to a region, meaning they evolved in that location for hundreds of years. The native insects and wildlife have evolved with those plants, developing complex relationships in which they heavily rely on particular plant communities for their survival.

Many non-native plants have been introduced to North America, drastically impacting native plant populations and the intricate web of life that relies on those plants for their survival. Native plants are also under significant threat from urbanization, habitat loss, invasive species, and climate change. To address this problem, we must plant more native plants and trees in our yards, gardens, un-utilized greenspaces, and natural areas.

Below are several reasons why you should consider planting more native plants in your community:  

  • Reduce Garden Maintenance & Save Money: Gardens planted with natives need less work and money to keep them healthy and thriving. Native plants are adapted to the local weather and soil conditions. They grow vigorously and have defense mechanisms to fight off pests and so require less water and fewer fertilizers and pesticides.

  • Sequester Carbon & Improve Air Quality: Manicured lawns are perhaps the most prevalent “habitat” in many urban and suburban spaces, but turf grass has incredibly shallow root systems. In contrast, native plants grow much larger and have extensive root systems that stretch deep underground. This allows native plants to sequester far more carbon, improving local air quality in the process. 

  • Provide Pest Control: It’s counterintuitive, but the more insects and the greater diversity of insects in your garden, the fewer pest problems you’ll have. Nature has a way of providing checks and balances, so native plants supporting native insects provides you with free, natural, and non-toxic pest control.

  • Provide Food Sources for Native Insects: Many native insect species rely on native plants for food sources, such as nectar and plant material. They often cannot digest and do not recognize non-native plants as food sources or habitat. Perhaps the best example of this is Monarch Butterflies and Milkweed. These insects are both beautiful and beneficial to our local ecosystem. 

  • Filter Water & Prevent Erosion: Runoff from our cities can contain many harmful toxins and chemicals. Native plant gardens help slow the flow of water during a rain event, absorbing some of the water and the toxins along with it. Their extensive root systems also play a crucial role in erosion prevention.

  • Support Crop Pollinators: Almost all the food we eat depends directly or indirectly on pollination, but many native insects are in decline. Planting native species supports these insects, which play an important role in pollinating our crops.   

  • Create Wildlife Habitat: Gardens, meadows, and forests are designed to support local wildlife species by fulfilling their often unique needs for food, shelter, and nesting materials. These spaces are increasingly rare in urban and suburban areas due to habitat loss and fragmentation. Adding native plants to our yards and public greenspaces can help create vital habitat for these creatures.  

  • Bolster Biodiversity: Many of the native insects that rely on native plants as a food source are in turn a food source for local amphibians and bird species. The presence of native plants sustains the delicate food web and buttresses against the loss of types and abundance of many local species.  

  • Increase Aesthetic Beauty: Native plants are incredibly beautiful. Their flowers are unique and bloom throughout the season. A well-constructed native plant garden will be full of color and biodiversity from early spring all the way until the start of winter.  

  • Raise Awareness! Our environment is under significant threats such as habitat loss, invasive species, and climate change, and one of the ways we can help is by raising awareness. Native plant gardens are eye-catching and full of life, leaving people to ask you, “What is going on here!?” Well-maintained native plant gardens will jumpstart conversations with friends, neighbors, and family members, giving you a chance to tell them about the amazing benefits of native pants! 

Further Reading:  

If you’d like to add some native plants to your garden, our Fall Native Plant Sale is live online now!


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